We’re applying a final layer of polish to some of the less refined aspects of World’s End. Ironically, some of the features being touched up like icons and menu transitions were added in a similar fashion at the last minute when we were seeking sponsorship for Chapter 1 on Flash Game License.
We’re making a final pass on level design. Map elements are being adjusted to better fit the overlay grid, especially when things overlap incorrectly and break the illusion of depth. We’re also adding dynamic elements to earlier, less interesting maps to breathe a bit of new life into them.
Some of this was in effect originally—the handful of windows in the Tierva Slum map that brightened and dimmed as if some activity were taking place within, for example. Things like windows are trivial to animate, so basically if there’s a window in the map, I’m going to make it get brighter and darker for whatever reason. The Thieves’ Warehouse battles take place late during the first night, so there would be no reason for anything to brighten their outward-facing windows except, perhaps, lightning!
I’m keeping this update short with the idea of posting more frequently. It’s time to start making some noise and getting a proper hype train started!
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